Recht op annulering

Auf der Internetseite der Selecta Matratzen GmbH wird den Benutzern die Möglichkeit eingeräumt, den Newsletter unseres Unternehmens zu abonnieren. Welche personenbezogenen Daten bei der Bestellung des Newsletters an den für die Verarbeitung Verantwortlichen übermittelt werden, ergibt sich aus der hierzu verwendeten Eingabemaske.

Die Rössle & Wanner GmbH informiert ihre Kunden und Geschäftspartner in regelmäßigen Abständen im Wege eines Newsletters über Angebote des Unternehmens. Der Newsletter unseres Unternehmens kann von der betroffenen Person grundsätzlich nur dann empfangen werden, wenn

  • die betroffene Person über eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse verfügt und
  • die betroffene Person sich für den Newsletterversand registriert.

An die von einer betroffenen Person erstmalig für den Newsletterversand eingetragene E-Mail-Adresse wird aus rechtlichen Gründen eine Bestätigungsmail im Double-Opt-In-Verfahren versendet. Diese Bestätigungsmail dient der Überprüfung, ob der Inhaber der E-Mail-Adresse als betroffene Person den Empfang des Newsletters autorisiert hat. D.h. werden wir Ihnen erst dann den bestellten Newsletter per E-Mail zusenden, wenn Sie uns zuvor ausdrücklich bestätigt haben, dass wir den Newsletter-Dienst aktivieren sollen.

Bei der Anmeldung zum Newsletter speichern wir ferner die vom Internet-Service-Provider (ISP) vergebene IP-Adresse des von der betroffenen Person zum Zeitpunkt der Anmeldung verwendeten Computersystems sowie das Datum und die Uhrzeit der Anmeldung. Die Erhebung dieser Daten ist erforderlich, um den (möglichen) Missbrauch der E-Mail-Adresse einer betroffenen Person zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nachvollziehen zu können und dient deshalb der rechtlichen Absicherung des für die Verarbeitung Verantwortlichen. Die im Rahmen einer Anmeldung zum Newsletter erhobenen personenbezogenen Daten werden ausschließlich zum Versand unseres Newsletters verwendet. Ferner könnten Abonnenten des Newsletters per E-Mail informiert werden, sofern dies für den Betrieb des Newsletterdienstes oder eine diesbezügliche Registrierung erforderlich ist, wie dies im Fall von Änderungen am Newsletterangebot oder bei der Veränderung der technischen Gegebenheiten der Fall sein könnte. Es erfolgt keine Weitergabe der im Rahmen des Newsletterdienstes erhobenen personenbezogenen Daten an Dritte. Das Abonnement unseres Newsletters kann durch die betroffene Person jederzeit gekündigt werden. Die Einwilligung in die Speicherung personenbezogener Daten, die die betroffene Person uns für den Newsletterversand erteilt hat, kann jederzeit widerrufen werden. Zum Zweck des Widerrufs der Einwilligung findet sich in jedem Newsletter ein entsprechender Link. Ferner besteht die Möglichkeit, sich jederzeit auch direkt auf der Internetseite des für die Verarbeitung Verantwortlichen vom Newsletterversand durch Eingabe Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse abzumelden oder dies dem für die Verarbeitung Verantwortlichen auf andere Weise mitzuteilen.

Formulier voor annulering of interekking

(We verzoeken u om dit formulier in te vullen en te verzenden als u de overeenkomst wilt ontbinden.)


Opmerking over de verwerking van uw persoonsgegevens

We registreren uw gegevens ten behoeve van het uitvoeren van uw contactaanvraag. De gegevensverwerking berust op artikel 6, lid 1, sub f) van de AVG. Het is ons gerechtvaardigde belang om uw aanvraag te beantwoorden. De gegevens worden niet aan derden doorgegeven. De gegevens worden verwijderd zodra ze niet meer nodig zijn voor het doel van de verwerking. U hebt het recht om op elk moment bezwaar te maken tegen het gebruik van uw gegevens ten behoeve van het opnemen van contact. Meer informatie hierover vindt u in onze privacyverklaring onder de punten "Uw gegevens" > "Contactmogelijkheid via de website".


Voordat we beginnen:

Wij respecteren uw privacy. Wij gebruiken cookies op onze website voor uw optimale online ervaring. Laat ons daarom weten welke van uw persoonlijke gegevens wij mogen verzamelen en gebruiken.

Hier vindt u meer informatie.

Individuele instellingen

De volgende categorieën beschrijven het soort gegevens dat wij verzamelen wanneer u deze website gebruikt. Door de respectieve instellingen te selecteren, helpt u ons om u een aangepaste online-ervaring te bieden. Meer informatie over het gebruik van uw persoonsgegevens en de door ons gebruikte diensten kunt u vinden in onze Datenschutzerklärung.

Door deze website te bezoeken bevestigt u dat u ten minste 13 jaar oud bent. U kunt uw privacy-instellingen te allen tijde oproepen en wijzigen via de link "Privacybeleid" in de footer.

Required cookies

This website uses so-called required cookies to store settings (e.g. accepting of this notice) locally on your computer. They help to make this website usable by enabling basic functions, such as page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website is unable to work properly without these cookies. These cookies are stored for 30 days.

Even if you disable "Required cookies", temporary cookies may still be stored during your session, but they are automatically deleted when you close the browser.

Mandatory cookies

Name of the cookies accept_cookies

Provider of the cookies Selecta Matratzen GmbH

Purpose of the cookies Enables us to check your previous cookie consent.

Cookie expiration date After closing the session/30 days.

Cookie types HTTPS

Name of the cookies connection_google_analytics, connection_google_adwords, connection_google_maps, connection_adobe_typekit

Provider of the cookies Selecta Matratzen GmbH

Purpose of the cookies Our website can contain contents from other providers that may use their own cookies. Based on the listed cookies, we can save your consent to cookies of individual third parties that require consent.

Cookie expiration date After closing the session/30 days.

Cookie types HTTPS

Name of the cookies PHPSESSID

Provider of the cookies Selecta Matratzen GmbH

Purpose of the cookies The so-called session ID is a randomly selected key from the CMS system that uniquely identifies the session data on the server. This key can be transferred to a follow-up script via cookies or as part of the URL so that this script can find the session data on the server.

Cookie expiration date After closing the session.

Cookie types HTTPS

Name of the cookies oc_sessionPassphrase

Provider of the cookies Selecta Matratzen GmbH

Purpose of the cookies Saves the session when a user logs on to the backend/CMS.

Cookie expiration date This data is deleted after the session expire.

Cookie types HTTPS

Name of the cookies be_user_auth

Provider of the cookies Selecta Matratzen GmbH

Purpose of the cookies Backend user identification of the CMS system

Cookie expiration date This data is deleted after the session expire.

Cookie types HTTPS

GDPR notice

Name of the cookies dsgvo_hidden

Provider of the cookies Selecta Matratzen GmbH

Purpose of the cookies This website is designed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR). While visiting our website, you have the option to temporarily hide notifications regarding data processing according to Article 6 Paragraph 1f of GDPR

Cookie expiration date After closing the session/30 days.

Cookie types HTTPS

Online services

This website uses online services from different providers to offer additional functions (e.g. use of a route planner).

If you disable services from the "Online services" category, this means that a part of the contents of this website will be unavailable to you.

Adobe Typekit Fonts

Name of the services Adobe Typekit

Provider of the services Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704, USA

Purpose of the services This website uses certain web fonts from Adobe for a uniform look. The use of Adobe Fonts is required to ensure a uniform font on this website.

Type of services When opening a page, the browser loads the required web fonts into your browser cache to correctly display texts and fonts. Your browser establishes a connection with the Adobe servers in the United States. This informs Adobe that our website was accessed by your IP address. According to Adobe, the company does not store cookies to provide its fonts. For more information on data processing by Adobe, refer to the privacy statement & general terms and conditions of Adobe.

Google Maps

Name of the services

Provider of the services Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Purpose of the services Google Maps is an online map service from Google. We use services from Google Maps to display the locations of our dealers within our dealer search on a map and provide you with a route planner.

Type of services To use functions of Google Maps, your IP address has to be saved. This information is normally transferred to a Google LLC server in the United States and stored there. The provider of this website has no bearing on this data transmission. For more information on data processing by Google LLC, refer to the privacy statement & general terms and conditions of Google LLC.

Name of the cookies APISID, SAPISID, HSID, SID, SSID

Provider of the cookies Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Purpose of the cookies This cookie is used by Google Maps to store user settings and information.

Cookie expiration date After 3 years.

Cookie types HTTP / HTTPS

Name of the cookies SIDCC

Provider of the cookies Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Purpose of the cookies This cookie is a security cookie that protects the user data from unauthorised access.

Cookie expiration date After 3 months.

Cookie types HTTP

Name of the cookies NID

Provider of the cookies Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Purpose of the cookies DThe NID cookie is assigned a unique ID that Google uses to save your preferred settings and other information, in particular your preferred language (e.g. English), how many search results are shown per page (e.g. 10 or 20) or whether to enable the Google SafeSearch filter.

Cookie expiration date After 6 months.

Cookie types HTTPS

Name of the cookies CONSENT

Provider of the cookies Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Purpose of the cookies This cookie stores whether Google cookies are allowed

Cookie expiration date After 20 years.

Cookie types HTTP

Online experience

We would like to make your experience with us as comfortable as possible. For this reason, we collect data on your online behaviour or your online attributes and perform advanced data analyses to offer versions of our website with customised content.

If you disable services from the "Online experience" category, this means you may not enjoy the best possible contents.

Google Analytics

Name of the services Google Analytics

Provider of the services Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Purpose of the services We use Google Analytics services to capture data related to your behaviour on our website. For example, we analyse which contents are popular and use this information to infer which other topics could be relevant to our visitors.

Type of services Data captured can include sites opened, test versions downloaded, videos played, purchases made as well as your IP address or device ID. For more information on data processing by Google LLC, refer to the privacy statement & general terms and conditions of Google LLC.

Name of the cookies _ga

Provider of the cookies Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Purpose of the cookies This cookie gathers data for the site analytics report and generates a number for each individual user as a client identifier. Furthermore, this cookie collects data to calculate visitor, session and campaign data.

Cookie expiration date After 2 years.

Cookie types HTTP

Name of the cookies _gat

Provider of the cookies Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Purpose of the cookies Used by Google Analytics to limit request rates

Cookie expiration date After 2 days.

Cookie types HTTP

Name of the cookies _gid

Provider of the cookies Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Purpose of the cookies This cookie gathers data for the site analytics report. It is session-dependent and collects data on the user’s navigation through the website in each session. The value of the cookie changes when the session changes.

Cookie expiration date After 1 day.

Cookie types HTTP

Digital advertising

We endeavour to only show you ads that are relevant to you. For this reason, we use services that place advertisements based on your online interests and measure their effectiveness. The most useful and appealing advertisement can only be determined by combining the data we have captured with your data captured by our advertising partners. However, we will never sell your personal data to third parties.

If you disable services from the "Digital advertisement" category, this means you may still see advertisements, but they may be less relevant to you.

Google Ads Conversion-Tracking

Name of the services Google Ads Conversion-Tracking

Provider of the services Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Purpose of the services We use the Google Ads Conversion services to place advertisements (called Google Ads) on external websites to draw attention to our attractive offerings. In relation to the advertising campaign data, we can determine how successful individual advertising measures are. Our interest here is to show you advertising that is relevant to you, to make our website more interesting to you and to achieve a fair calculation of advertisement costs.

Type of services Google saves a number in the browser of users who visit certain Google services or websites in the Google display network. This number is referred to as a "cookie" and records user visits. The number serves to uniquely identify a web browser on a specific end device and not to identify a person; personal data is not saved. For more information on data processing by Google LLC, refer to the privacy statement & general terms and conditions of Google LLC.

Name of the cookies IDE, ANID, DSID, FLC, AID, TAID, exchange_uid

Provider of the cookies Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Purpose of the cookies We also use cookies for advertising which we place in different locations on the web. Our most important cookie for advertising specifications for websites that do not belong to Google. Other Google products, such as YouTube, may also use these cookies to choose more relevant advertising

Cookie expiration date After 3 years.

Cookie types HTTP / HTTPS

Name of the cookies __gads, gac

Provider of the cookies Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Purpose of the cookies Bei Werbung die wir an verschiedenen Stellen im Web anzeigen, werden unter der Domain der besuchten Website innerhalb dieser Cookies gesetzt. m Unterschied zu Cookies, die für Googles Domains gesetzt werden, kann Google dieses Cookie nicht lesen, wenn Sie sich auf einer anderen Website befinden, als die auf der das Cookie gesetzt wurde. Diese Cookies werden genutzt, um beispielsweise Interaktionen mit den Werbeanzeigen auf der Domain zu messen und um zu vermeiden, dass die gleichen Werbeanzeigen sich zu oft zu wiederholen.

Cookie expiration date Nach 3 Jahren.

Cookie types HTTP / HTTPS